

0 أثبت أن بقدرتي احقق المستحيل وأتفوق رغم عدم توفر المقدرة

  • by Salwa Waheed
  • 13-05-2020
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أنا امرأة متزوجة ولدي أربعة أبناء، زوجي يعمل كمحاسب. أما أنا فخريجة تجارة لكني واجهت

 العديد من الصعاب لكي أتمكن من إثبات الذات وإيجاد عمل يحقق طموحي ويدعمني ماديًا. 


في يوم من الأيام وأنا أتسوق صدفت صديقتي من أيام الجامعة، وكان هذا اليوم هو النقطة 

الفاصلة في حياتي كلها.  أخذنا الحديث عن الحياة وعما أقوم به حالياً فقلت لها  "لا شيء" 

بكل بساطة فما كان منها إلا أن تشعل في داخلي قوة تحفيزية غريبة جعلتني آخذ جرعة من 

السعادة والأمل. 

نعم جرعة الأمل اسميتها ففي هذا اليوم دعتني الى ورشتها لتعليم الخياطة ومن هناك بدأ حلم تطوير الذات يتأجج في داخلي خاصة انني أحببت ما رأيت بما فيه الفائدة لي

 بأن ابتكر أزيائي الخاصة وأزياء أطفال حتى أصبحت تصاميمي تعجب من حولي. الى ان

 نصحتني احدى الصديقات ان افتح مشغلا للخياطة  ابتكر فيه تصاميمي واطرحها في الأسواق 

لكن لم يكن لدي المبلغ الكافي لذلك، واتى الحل سريعا فقد زودتني باسم موقع إلكتروني

يقدم المال اللازم لعمل مشروع كان زوجها قد اقترض منه لدعم مشروعه الخاص. 


قدمت لهذه الشركة الاستثمارية ما يلزم من الأوراق والإثباتات الى جانب فكرة وتكلفة المشروع

 ولن أتوانى عن ذكر اسمها لمافيه من فائدة لكل من يرغب في تحقيق طموحه وإثبات ذاته. 

انها شركة ماجوس للاستثمار التي جعلت حلمي حقيقة.


I proved that I have the ability to achieve the impossible despite of the lack of money


I am a married woman with four children, my husband works as an accountant and has an average income that does not meet the increasing demands of life and has no ambition to develop. As for me, I am a graduate of commerce, but I faced many difficulties so that I could prove myself and find work that would achieve my ambition and support me financially.


One day, I encountered my friend from college, shopping, and that day was the watershed in my entire life. We talked about life and what I am currently doing, so I simply said to her, "Nothing." Then I got from her a strange motivational force that made me take a dose of happiness and hope! Yes, the dose of hope I called it. 


On this day, she invited me to her workshop of teaching sewing, and from there the dream of self-development began to inflame inside me, especially that I liked what I saw, including the benefit for me, to create my own clothes and the costumes of my children until I started to become famous around. 


Afterward a friend of mine advised me to open a sewing workshop, to creat my own designs and sell it to the market, but I did not have enough money for that, and the solution came quickly, as she provided me with the name of a website that provides the money needed to do a project that her husband had borrowed from them to support his own project.



I presented to this investment company the necessary papers and evidence in addition to the idea and cost of the project, and I will not hesitate to mention its name because of the benefit to everyone who wishes to achieve his ambition and prove himself. It is the Magus Investment Company that made my dream come true.